Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Demolition Part II

We had survived the dust, old insulation, and heat with very few scrapes and bruises (more to come though). The upstairs two rooms were down to the bare studs. My uncle Tim said that since we knew we needed to expand the upstairs we might as well do it now rather than re-drywall now and have to redo it all again in five years. Sounded wise to us.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Demolition Part I

We bought the house and moved in in July (the 4th of July weekend to be exact.) We were trying to decide what we could "live with", what we wanted to change right away, and how much demolition we were willing to try first thing. We thought start small...yeah right.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Construction Begins...

Construction. That word that has been synonymous with "life" for the past 5 years. Dust, drywall, sawdust, tarps. These are as close to our heart as beef roast, couch, snuggles, and card games are to other families.